> I believe the mp3ar project www.mp3ar.com uses a laptop HD. The > source code > was available last time I looked and used a 16F877. Might be code snippets > there. I've just had a look at the site but it appears their monthly > bandwidth has been used up at FreeServers so the site cannot be > viewed until > next month. Never seen that one before!!! Well, just in case anybody is interested I redid part of my code to be more interactive (I can now read and write registers by hand instead of just letting the PIC do what I program it), and it seems my problems are due to these laptop drives I have. It seems that the first read (either CHS or LBA) works, but any subsequent read (either of the same sector or of a different one) results in the hard drive hanging the data bus with D0. Nothing I do, short of toggling the reset line brings it out of this state. I can execute a read and then do a whole bunch of other things (even a software reset), but if I read again (command 0x20) it hangs the bus. I say it is these drives because I have another drive lying around that seems to work perfectly. It might be a moot point anyways, in the end I want to use this inside a car and it turns out that laptop drivers are much more shock resistant then desktop drives, at least not enough to be safe in a car. I might just go for it anyways to see how it turns out, I don't know yet. Anybody ever try going "outside" of the specs when it comes to hard drives? (mainly in the G shock area?) Temperature is not a problem since it will be used in a data logging application and I plan to use a peltier junction to warm the drive up slowly to spec and then start it up. Worst comes to worst I can always just stick a compactflash to IDE adapter in there and use a CF card, they are MUCH more resilient! Plus my digital camera uses them... :) Thanks for any info. TTYL -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu