>> Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 08:04:59 -0600 From: michael brown Subject: [OT]: Missing posts some posts don't come to me, but I see someone else post a reply to the one I missed quoting some of their message. Does anyone else experience this? << Oh yeah ! I receive the list in digest form , and notice that too . I have mentioned this only two weeks ago in a rant about commercialism ( RE [OT] : RE [EE]: (a different viewpoint)10/03/2002) but my e-mail was too crappy and true for anyone to care to comment. In the DIGEST it won't be my mail provider that is losing the 1 (or two) daily digest , and I have set to receive all messages so >> mail headers + detailed trail of exactly what path your message takes, and what date and time it arrives (Dale Botkin) << .... is therefore ruled out in my case - Missing messages at listservers side . regards Vis Naicker p.s. also ranted about AOL >> problems with AOL +advising business clients to stay away from AOL (Chris Loiacono )<< Ha ! also this e-mail may reach the list once the topic is stale as I don't connect to 'net often . -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu