REPOST w/ topic tag and updates: I've looked in the archives, and found a little bit of info. I've pored over the datasheet, and can't figure out the problem. So, I'm trying to use the comparators in the 3:1 mode (001) so three different levels can be compared against a single input level. All I really want is a simple way to poll the damn thing to know the status of the comparator. Am I right in thinking that, once set up, I can poll the CMCON,C1OUT bit at will in order to determine the output of comparator 1? Do I have to do anything "special" to "initiate" a comparison (as I might expect to do with an ADC)? When I set it all up like I think I'm supposed to, and poll the comparator output bit, and toggling an output accordingly, I can't get the output to toggle like I would expect. I am testing the input pins with a meter. I can easily verify that the comparator "should" be toggling (based on the input voltages), but it doesn't. I don't even understand my problem well enough to explain it, so basically I'm saying: "Are there any tricks? Does anyone have any ideas of what to look for? " etc. It looked so simple when I read the datasheet - boy was I wrong. :) Thanks -Steve UPDATE: I read the errata for this device, and "mode 1" of the comparator module is broken in a way that sucks for me. When CIS=1, AN3 is supposed to be connected to the - input of comparator one. According to the errata, "AN3 is not completely connected to the comarator, resulting in incorrect behavior." I'm not sure what "not completely connected" means, but I sure do know what "incorrect behavior" means. :) At any rate, I think this is my problem, and I'm pretty bummed out. Is there a drop in replacement (narrow DIP package, 18 pins, w/ comparator inputs from RA0-RA3) for the 628? Is there an updated version? Sniff, sniff. ALSO: I noticed that "input impedence should be < 10kOhm for comparator inputs". I'm trying to compare voltage levels that change very slowly. The input levels are generated from a voltage divider consisting of a (for example) 10K resistor to ground, 8k resistor to +5, and a 5k pot in between. The center of the pot going to the analgo input. Is this going ot be a problem? Maybe I should start over. -Steve -- hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads