This is excellent! It took me about 15 minutes to get set up (after realizing that it needed gpasm - thank goodnes for clear error messages!) and compile my first program: // Test file for SDCC char testfunc(char y); void main(void) { char x; x = 'A'; x++; if(x == 'B') { x = testfunc(5); } } char testfunc(char y) { y += 3; return y; } It did an optimization of the conditional (ie, it set x = 5, then called the test function) so the entire asm was 5k - but only 5 of which were actual PIC code ;-) I'm anxious to try some of the CC5X files on it and seeing how much I need to change. I have a few questions about implementation, but I'll ask them tomorrow, probably off list (maybe pettition the list admins to make an SDCC topic?)... Thanks for your effort! -Adam Scott Dattalo wrote: > >Adam, > >On SDCC's web page there are instructions on how to get SDCC from the CVS >repository: > > > >Michael Hope, one of the SDCC developers, has more information for >accessing CVS from a Window's box (although, I just tried to access his >page: and it timed out). > >The SDCC developers all use Linux, AFAIK. However, there are .dsp files >for Visual C++. I think mingw32 is also supported, but I don't know about >other C compilers for windows. > >Also, if you don't want to deal with CVS, you can try the nightly >generated tar ball snap shots: > > > >Scott > >-- > hint: To leave the PICList > > -- hint: To leave the PICList