> So, I'm considering using 2 16F628's and having them swap > data at a higher speed than either UART is running The prototype I'm building has 22 16F628s on it. The intention is to use two (PIC1, PIC2) as transceivers with external PCs, with the other 20 in between. After receiving data from the PC1 PIC1 sends it to one of the others that isn't busy. After a little processing, that PIC then passes the data on to PIC2 which interacts with the second PC2. And all this has to happen in reverse as well, ie PC2 becomes the transmitter and PC1 the receiver, with each PIC in between them a transceiver To take advantage of the addressable USART mode within the network (probably at the highest speed available), I'll have to use s/w UART for the two external connections, more than likely 9600 or 19200 I don't know much about ASICs, PLDs etc. Can they be made with smarts or are they just gates ? -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu