Some of you may recall that I promised a beta release of the pic port of SDCC by March. Well, March is here. The beta should be released very soon as part of SDCC 2.4.0. I must confess that despite all of the hard work, the PIC Port of SDCC should be considered somewhere between an alpha and beta. I think it's ready for anxious users to use in small non-professional projects (i.e. it's ready for hobbies). However, in the few projects I've tried to compile with SDCC, I have found bugs. For the most part the bugs are minor (but a minor bug in a compiler often means unusable code is generated). The main reasons I'm considering this a pre-beta release are: - multiplication, division, and mod are not implemented - multiple source files are not supported - device specific include files haven't been written What I'd like is to have some code written for other compilers that I can try with SDCC. I already converted Bob Blick's LCD driver to SDCC. Here's a gpsim simulation result: If you have a project you'd like to try with SDCC then please contact me. If you're familiar with CVS and would like to be a tester for SDCC that'd be even better! I'll post a notice here when the 2.4.0 is ready. Scott -- hint: To leave the PICList