source=\2002\03\15\040818a - An I2C to serial interface type board. This can help joe on the street debug I2C projects - Similar for SPI and microwire type interfaces - Various PIC programmers and things - An Analog to digital to micro to analog board. There are more and more questions hitting the list about dsp related stuff, and with a fast PIC on board, and some of the cunning math algorithms at some simple filters can be experimented with. - And many many more. Well Done James, Keep up the Good work. THANK YOU! That means a lot and your suggestions are all excellent! I'll bet some of our members may already have designs like that laying around gathering dust and if they are willing to share them, it's a great way to show what you can do and help out your fellow PICLister. I have a design for an SX52 based development board that I will be submitting in a week or two. It has a programmer built in an makes it alot easier to work with this SMT device. I don't expect it to win because there are very few SX52 developers, but what the heck, I was going to publish it anyway... ...and I expect that as it is my first PCB layout, I'll get some valuable feedback (hopefully offlist ) about what I've done wrong or could do better. I'll be contacting some of these people to see if they would be willing to enter: And many more at That just shows that there are a lot of PIC based projects with PCB layouts and everything that are being made available to the public. --- James Newton: webmaster, former Admin #3 1-619-652-0593 phone PIC/PICList FAQ: -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.