Dave, I found it difficult to judge your tone when suggesting Roman build and test the cct, so just in case I have to add my $0.02. Many members of the list appear to me brilliant, experienced, do the stuff professionally and busy. I am a hobbyist, (pipe) dreams of professional involvement (any jobs out there, I'll sweep the floors just to be near some of this stuff)not so busy, so if people are willing to read my requests for help and throw me a bone I am willing to run with it even if it is untasted. I have learnt alot this way (actually I have learnt how little I know), and keen to race home and experiment with this cct. In the past tid-bits have seen me thru experimenting and solving my amateurish problems. Even if they don't work I have still learnt something. Didn't Edison respond something like "Ah yes, but now I know a thousand different ways it wont work so there are only so many possibilities remaining one of which must work" and also along the lines of "90% perspiration..." or was it 99%. Just saying I am happy to do the perspiration and welcome those tid bits no matter how inaccurate from any one and everyone willing to share their time. Once again I may have misinterpreted your post, so hard to accurately convey and interpret those subtle nuances when trying to minimise the word count. Justin Since neither of our opinions on what this circuit "should" do counts anywhere near as much as what it actually does, and since you were the one to propose it to the PICLIST, how about you do us the courtesy of building your circuit, testing it and reporting back to us with the results. Dave D. -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics