At 12:24 AM 3-14-2002, Jinx wrote: > > It makes you wonder what the world would look like if our eyes > > had a flat response. I read somewhere that for red light to look > > the same amplitude, it had to be same large number, like 1000, > > times brighter. This makes me imagine how painful a sunset > > would be. :) > > > > Brandon Irwin > >In a similar vein, body parts have individual sensation regions >in the brain. The "Sensory homunculus" is a map of these >regions, and is usually accompanied by a diagram or model >of how big body parts would be if they all had the same nerve >density representation in the brain. We usually come out looking >like a frog or Mr Potatohead. I've got a 3D model somewhere > > > > >_1.htm > > > >Fig 3-13 Its amazing how little ours eyes actually take. I would have expected a whole lot more than that. It must be because theres not much required to control them. Just left right, etc...and the rest is just visual input. I still don't get how it can be so little, comparatively. The thumbs take a lot. I would think that it would be the pointer finger that would take the most. If we were to make a computer program to do equiv things that a brain can do and did organ size by processing power required, i would imagine this would be drastically different, especially in the eye area. Amazing... Brandon Irwin -- hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See