Hi, I built a circuit interfacing a MAX153 parallel 8 bit ADC and a MAX205 RS232 transceiver to a 16F628. It is supposed to read the parallel ADC output and serialize the data before sending to the computer. The PIC in this case is running very very hot, i could barely touch it for a sec. What could be the cause? this is the ASM its running. main: call init loop: movlw D'100' call nmsec bsf PORTB,0 call micro4 bcf PORTB,0 movf PORTA,0 ; PORTA reads lower 1/2 the byte addwf PORTB,0 ; PORTB 4-7 reads higher 1/2 and combines into 1 byte to W movwf TXREG goto loop -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics