Hi, > The pressure sensor sealing the top of an air filled tube seems to me to be the easiest and most >reliable solution. 15 PSI differential pressure sensor with one port to the (filtered) atmosphere would >be the sensor to use (maybe more PSI advisable). You can even look at cheap pressostats made for washing machines ! Some of them have 3 outputs and are incredibly reliable. I never could figure out how that could work reliably but it does in fact. I have never seen one of those fail and I always have the first look on the broken washing machines of all my family :-) The pressure sensor will give you more details but if you just need 3 or 4 levels of water just put together one or two of these washing machines pressostats and you will have something that is more reliable than a single sensor. I do not think vibration will be a problem either. I had an old machine that kept "walking" around all the time during the washing cycle. My fellow countrymen will probably remember the first washing machines from "enxuta" ! It was a great piece of equipament but had this terrible noise, shaking and "walking" problem. The level sensor never gave me any trouble on that one either and it lasted many years. Best regards, Alexandre Guimaraes -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics