I finally got the Toshiba TLX-1741-C3M (6939C based) display working (more or less). Man these things are way faster than the little 1/2/4 line Hitachi based displays. QUESTION: Does anyone know how to make BASCOM51 read P2. This SBC I'm using only leaves P0 and P2 available. THERE IS NO EXTERNAL MEMORY SO I AM USING THE PORTS. I'm using P0 to drive the CE/RD/WR/CD/FS/RV control lines. P2 is connected to D0-D7 of the display. I am having no problems when writing characters to the display. The problem is that when I use a statement like "Status = P2" when checking status, I only seem to receive the latch contents (IOW whatever I wrote last). Is there some trick in BASCOM51 to flip the port into input mode? I am a novice at the 8051 architecture, but I'm trying to learn. ;-) Michael Brown Instant Net Solutions www.KillerPCs.net "In the land of the blind, he who has one eye is king" -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics