Hi! I am a beginner in PIC and I have built a specific circuit(my design) that features a 16x2 LCD which is connected to a 16F877 pic running at 4MHz. The data bits(DB4-7) are connected to the Lower nibble of PORTB(0:3) and the control lines to PORTE, RE0 to E, RE1 to R/W and RE2 to RS. As you might already realize I want to use the LCD in the 4bit mode. The Higher nibble of port B will be used as inputs I have spend hours of reading datasheets, internet pages how to use the lcd and I didn't see light to the tunnel. I have also tried to use ready made routines but because they were abstracts from largest projects I didn't manage to so modify them in order to make my lcd to work. I would be grateful if you can sent me the minimal code required to just display a single character on the LCD to verify that is working, also that will give me a very good starting point to proceed further my own to implement more complicated functions of the LCD. Thanks in advance, Haris Volos Electrical Eng. Student -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu