Tapes and tape drives are used because they are /more/ reliable. Modern hard drives are not meant to be portable. To much shaking, one drop, heat and cold extremes. Tapes endure these things infinitely better than a hard drive. Furthermore a good tape backup is actually /much/ more expensive than backing up with hard drives ($ per gig). They have more/better data error correction, and are made only for backup. That being said, hard drive backups are becoming more and more common. It is a mistake, though, to move a hard drive more than a few times a month. (I do it weeky, but I also have another backup on tape which is taken offiste, and another onsite HD backup which is not moved.) They simply fail at a higher rate than those that are permanently mounted inside a machine. You need to be careful weighing the tradeoffs when looking at reliability, cost, and maintenance. It's a pain to have an offsite backup, but it's a little better than a firesafe backup. It's more expensive to do tape and HD backup, but you're nearly tripling your reliability. Good luck! -Adam Chris Loiacono wrote: >I apologize for re-opening this thread....but I am trying to put together a >back-up strategy for a small (6 station) peer to peer windows network and >some of the thoughts that showed up here have me a bit uncertain when I >combine them with what I'm finding when I research the subject elsewhere. I >tend to trust the technical opinions of list members - especially when >compared to those of technical sale people trying to sell me on their >choice...so please, check out my thinking and reply if you like... > >1. HDD's seem most logical to me - lowest cost per Gig, fast read and write >cycles. Swappable drives in arrays such as RAID seem to make even more >sense - pull the drive, put in a fire box and insert the alternate drive. >Yet these seem to be less available and the cost seems the same as it was 5 >yrs ago - indicating that this is less than popular. > >2. Tape must be less reliable and is definitely slower. Plus there is the >added cost of consumables. I am finding that many large networks are backed >up on tape - perhaps because the economics of buying many tapes is better >than buying many hard drives. Many small networks are backed up on tape, and >there are still many offerings in this area. > > >Is there a technical reason that tape is still so widely used, and am I >missing something? >What really is the medium of choice for back-up? > >-- >http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! >email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body > > > > > -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body