michael brown wrote: >This may sound like a dumb question, but I have not run across a good >"plain >English" description of low-pass [...] A time-varying signal can be represented as a function of time, f(t). The same function can be represented in "frequency space" via a linear transformation called the Fourier transform as F(w), which tells you how much sinusoidal component the original function has at each frequency w (read as omega). If you know much linear algebra, you can think of f(t) and F(w) as being vectors related through a change of basis, though of course we are talking here about an infinite- dimensional function space rather than the (possibly) more familiar finte-dimensional euclidean vector space. A low-pass filter is very easy to define in frequency space: it lets through the low-frequency components but blocks the high-frequency components. Mathematically, you Fourier transform the original function, multiply by the filter function (as represented in frequency space), then invert the Fourier transform to get the filtered time-varying signal. Hm, this isn't really "plain English" is it? Try again. A low-pass filter lets the slowly-varying part of a signal through, but blocks the quickly-varying part. Like, if you had a 1kHz wiggle superimposed on 60Hz mains voltage, then after filtering with an appropriate low-pass filter, you would recover the 60Hz part with the 1kHz wiggle blocked out. A simple low pass filter is a resistor followed by a capacitor to ground: Vin o----^v^v^v---*-----o Vout (Resistor) | --- --- (Capacitor) | GND o-------------*-----o GND (Please excuse my hideous ASCII "graphics"). The capacitor serves to shunt any high-frequency component of Vin to ground (a capacitor has low impedance to high-frequency, high impedance to low-frequency). It is easy to show that the 3dB point of this filter is at 1/(2 pi R C). In frequency space, this simple filter falls off at higher frequencies rather gently: it is not a very precise low-pass filter. For better filtering you can use active filters. Was this in the least bit useful? I hope so. Michael V Thank you for reading my "little" posting. _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.