What am I doing wrong here? I tried to configure port A as all digital inputs, but can't read from it. If I replace port A with port C, it = works. Here's the init/main part of my code... [ includes, config, etc up here ] movlw B'00111111' movwf TRISA ; Port A is all inputs movlw B'00000110' movwf ADCON1 ; Port A is all digital movlw B'00000000' movwf ADCON0 ; Turn off A/D tris PORTB ; Port B is all outputs tris PORTC ; Port C is all outputs loop: movf PORTA,0 ; Grab data at port A movwf PORTB ; Dump to port B goto loop end Thanks, -Neil. -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.