HMMMMmmmmmmmmmmm - now my twisted mind gets to work ... How about (for the bait dispenser) one hole where Mr (or Mrs or Ms or ... = Getting sidetracked here) stick their head to get some bait. A clamp = closes - not enough to strangle. Then we use their struggles to generate = electricity to charge the battery ... or we drive two pins into the body = and suck electricity out of the nervous system. MAny thanks to the PICList for helping me in my experiments Dr Frankenstein. PhD, MA, BSE. PS - please don't talk to PETA or the RSPCA ;)=20 >>> cptagliola@CHELLO.NL 02/27/02 18:51 PM >>> LOL. I wanted to suggest this to the guy with the bait dispenser unit in the jungle from a few days ago. Didn't know how to put it in english though :) --- -- hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See