Hi all, I'm upgrading my 16F84-based datalogger with 16F628. In the first step I want substitute '84 in a pin-to-pin compatible configuration with '628, on the same socket and PCB layout. I have modified the code in this sections: 1) Config word 11110000100001B (13 I/O pin, external mclr, 4MHz, power up timer enabled, WDT disabled) 2) User registers stating from 20H ( 0CH on '84) 3) Comparators disabled: movlw H'07' ; movwf CMCON ; 4) EEPROM routines revised (from PICLIST...) for banks difference. Surprise, the first tests are all ok!!! (the logger is running from two days). The only difference is a higher current consumption on the '628 (1050 uA versus 700uA of the '84) when the logger isn't in sleep. When in sleep mode, the values are similar (35uA the '628 and 50uA for '84). My configuration : Supply = 4,5V (3 AA) Freq. = 4MHZ CD4060 at 33Khz (to wake-up the PIC) connected on RB0/int Really, this isn't a serious problem (the 99% of time the logger is in sleep), however I want to be sure that there isn't an error in configuration: has anyone a idea which area I can test to find the solution? At the moment I have programmed two '628 and the values observed are similar. Thanks Marco -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics