Sorry, the subject line is mis-spelled - it is FOOL-less heater. Google on "Free Energy" and you'll find every kook in the nuthouse, with pyramid plans and the works. I was reading one who claimed the best way to evaluate whether a pyramid is working is to sniff it, and if the celophane tape that holds it together smells a lot, then you've got a ringer! I've got an interesting book called "Flim Flam" by James Randi. Randi is a stage magician, who knows the tricks of his trade well. Years ago he offerred a $100,000 prize for anyone who could prove, under controlled conditions he monitors, that they actually can display any psychic powers. Needless to say, the prize money has sat in the bank until it is now worth $1,000,000, with plenty of takers but nobody who could produce the goods. One example from the book, was a test of "water witchers". He dug up a big field, and buried water pipes snaking through it. Then he covered them, and carefully tilled the field so the pipes could not be seen from the surface. All of the workmen who built the field were flown in from somewhere else, and flown out, to eliminate any snitching. A firehose stream of water goes in one end, through the hidden pipes, and flows out the other into a ditch, so everybody can clearly see the water is flowing under the field somewhere. Half a dozen people with their copper rods or willow sticks wandered around the field twitching and jerking, but none could trace the water pipes. All of them swore they had a "hit", until they saw the actual map of the pipe versus their track. It's a great book, fulla laughs. --Lawrence Lile -- hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads