Russell, I to looked for a proxy server that you described. I found Winproxy. Easy to use, I have never had it crash, and it has a firewall and virus protection. I send and receive email through the proxy server all the time. I use a Satellite down link on one PC, the other PC's log into the primary PC to access the internet. It works great and the cost is reasonable. Gordon Varney > Can anyone recommend a good proxy server to allow Internet connection > sharing on a Windows based LAN. > Workstations are running WIN 95 / 98 SE / ME. Subsequently there may be some > old WIN3.11 PCs added to do dedicated tasks. Also one or more Linux boxes > "sometime". > > The host has a nominally 128 kbps ADSl link and is running WIN 98 SE. > > The Microsoft provided "Interconnection Sharing" proxy server has had some > less than nice things said about it (which may not be exceptionally true). > > There are a host of 3rd party proxy servers out there - many free. They also > mostly come with a revision history that suggests there may be more bugs to > come - except for those with no revision history at all that suggests they > may not be seriously developed :-) . > > Can anyone recommend a simple, ideally free, stable & effective proxy server > for this purpose. > Needs to be able to run on the WIN98SE host. > Something with extra features is not really required although if your > favourite stable free solution has lots of extra bells and whistles then pse > comment on them. > > > > > regards > > Russell McMahon -- hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads