> I like mirrored drives a heck of a lot better. I've had tape media problems > as well as other (ahem, "operator headspace") issues. I also never need to > remember to swap out a mirror drive... but I could if I needed off-site > backup storage. Off-site's not a bad idea. This all hits very close to home. The power supply in my office computer decided to go ballistic and uncontrolled last week. The fans sounded like jet engines, and almost masked the popping sounds of chips losing their epoxy. Smoke poured out, the power switch(ATX soft power, ya know) did nothing. Everything was toast. The hard drive would not spin. I got an identical new drive and swapped boards, now it spun up fine, but just went clack-clack. I guess the internal head electronics was toast. Estimate from Drivesavers for their "economy" service was $1900 to recover the data. Luckily I was well backed up. Except now I have to make friends with a new computer. Networked backups a good idea, off-site backups even better! I've never heard of this happening before, but I'm paranoid now. Cheers, Bob -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu