PICers, I'm using a 16F84 to play an ISD chip. It goes from the start (org $00) to "look" then polls for a memory overflow then replays and cycles back to "look" Works fine when the interrupt is disabled. BUT when I enable the interrupt, it starts to play then goes into the ISR then tries to play then back to ISR etc etc. Er ... needless to say I'm NOT giving it an interrupt while this is happening :( So what's going on? I notice there's a grey box+code frag on page 31 of the data sheet. OK maybe the WDT is somehow generating an interrupt. I have the WDT turned OFF in the CONFIG instruc right at the start. I called the following subr in the initialisation stage :- TIMER0_WDT ;As per page 31 BANK_0 clrf TMR0 BANK_1 clrwdt movlw b'00000000' movwf OPTION_REG BANK_0 retlw 0x00 But same symptoms. TMR0 & OPTION_REG change as the programme cycles in the LOOK loop. Where would you insert that code snip - in the loop, in the initialisation stage or what? IF that's the problem that is? What's it do anyway? Any insights MUCH appreciated - Ian org 0x04 intrpt movwf w_ ;Start interrupt routine movf STATUS,0 movwf STATUS_ movf PCLATH,0 ;Save PCLATH movwf PCLATH_ movf FSR,0 movwf FSR_ brk00 ;INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE GOES HERE int_ret movlw b'00011000' ;Reset the INTCON bits BUT ... movwf INTCON ;.. let the PIC set GIE upon retfie movf FSR_,0 movwf FSR movf PCLATH_ movwf PCLATH movf STATUS_,0 ;Return from interrupt movwf STATUS swapf w_ ;Flip & load the w register swapf w_,w ;without affecting the STATUS reg. retfie ;MAIN PROGRAMME .. ENABLE INTERRUPTS THEN PLAY THE ISD setint nop ;Get ready to enable the interrupts BANK_1 movlw 0x0D movwf OPTION_REG BANK_0 clrf TMR0 movlw b'10011000' ;Enable the interrupts movwf INTCON look ;THE MAIN PROCESS GOES HERE. ;CYCLE AROUND .. PLAY THE ISD, LOOK FOR MEM OVERFLOW THEN REPLAY ETC. goto look __________________________________________________________________ Get your free Australian email account at http://www.start.com.au -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu