7406 / 7407 These are open drain gates that will accept a 5V logic input and output whatever voltage you wish. Often used for logic- to-motor/sensor/etc. They function in a similar way to Porta.4 on the F84/628 Those that you want to read, simply set their output voltage to 5V, and limit their inputs to 5V with a zener or resistive divider. Those that you want to drive can be done so directly and their outputs will assume the voltage (12V) that you pull them up to They are very useful ICs. Read the spec sheet here http://www.philipslogic.com/products/buffers/06/ Some others you could consider http://www.philipslogic.com/products/levelshifters/ Bookmark this http://www.philipslogic.com/products/ Other options would be the micro-to-PC interface chips such as MAX232, MC1488/1489 derivatives, or any of the level shifters used in comms circuits -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu