Thunderstorms in New Zealand are not as frequent as what I have observed = to be the case in the USA (Ohio) Would be interesting to see if/how it could be done. I believe Nikolai = Tesla had some device that picked up electricity from the atmosphere using = a tank type circuit - maybe an urban myth/mad scientist story though.=20 If the device is to see service on the west coast of the Sth Island I = don't know that there'd be much RF to pick up for power ... there's maybe = 2-3 AM stations and 3-4 FM and 2-3 TV transmitters around (and the area is = rather mountainous) The island is about the size of Ohio and has about = 1,000,000 people on it.=20 >>> martinrp@VAX2.CONCORDIA.CA 02/25/02 10:40AM >>> > >> > This is probably a silly idea but how about a small coil that picks up stray rf radiation, rectify it and pump up a low leakage electrolytic, = this could be used in conjunction with the battery, > Hmm. If you're close enough to a major transmitter and you can put up a = decent antenna and protect it from lightning... How about collecting some electrons from the lightning? Some kind of capacitor and diode arrangement to charge a battery. There's far more = energy available there, the trick is to collect as much of it as possible = in the nanoseconds available, and to avoid collecting a direct hit. A = low-leakage cap with several thousand volts on it could trickle-charge a = nicad via some current regulator that can cope with the stress... /\/\/\/*=3DMartin -- hint: To leave the PICList