On 25-Feb-02 Mike Blakey wrote: > I'm doing a little project using an f876 storing and retrieving data (a > lookup > table) into the EEDATA memory. The routine works fine, except for receiving > data > from the PC. I send the data using VB6 MSComm1 but I get an overrun error > after > about 4 bytes. even if I change the speed from 19200 down to 9600, exactly > the same > thing happens. I have not got any hardware handshaking, so I am assuming that > I > will have to handshake by sending back an acknowledgement byte before sending > the > next byte down to the PIC. Am I missing something or is this the right way? > Thanks. You havn't given us much to go on Mike.... Is your code getting any characters from the USART ? Have you got the correct number (zero) of parity bits ? PIC USART does NOT do parity by itself, you need to enable the ninth data bit and work out the parity for yourself. Maybe you could post the USART code you are using . Peter -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu