I really despise PTH's in boards. However, I have some 40 pin PDIP PICS soldered into thru-hole proto boards that I need to remove. The boards are prototype quality with mask & silk, etc, but I notice that this particular vendor's copper tends to de-laminate very easily when re-working. I need these boards to survive without visible scars. Solder wick is out, likewise my inexpensive suction type tools since they tend to lift pads when enough heat is applied to get the solder out of the barrels. What is the safest and surest way to remove these chips? I will gladly buy another tool, as long as I won't need a new mortgage to pay for it... please, HELP! Chris -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu