Some really good links and info in my many emails to go thru, but a quick scan tells me I should get something going soon. Was not aware that dosemu was an actual prod./tool, but assumed it was used as a generic ref to any dos emulator under Linux (line Wine,=20 etc). Since I got MPASM to very easily compile an ASM file to HEX in a Win2K command prompt, that might be my first option with dosemu. If not, to get going fast (yes I'm anxious), I'll drop the attitude :-) and move a Win2K laptop to the room with Linux and the PICs. GPASM/GPUTILS looks good for the longer term. The fact that it is alpha makes me nervous as a begniner -- need to reduce factors for errors. I still have a bunch of emails with other options to consider. The tutorials are awesome -- as a guy with a short attention span, I prefer to learn by doing rather that churning thru theory right from the start, so these fit the bill nicely. As for chips, I'll stick with 16F84 and 16F872 for now since I have a few of each already. Much thanks everyone! -Neil. -- hint: To leave the PICList