> Ok Russel, I like opamp solution. I have found in LM358 > AppNote a VCO example with few low cost components. > The only problem is a bigger current consumption than 4046 > VCO, if I'm not wrong (my logger must operate for 4-6 months > with 3 AA cells), so I will try to build and compare the two types of > circuits. > Many thanks for support If you change the F84 for an F628 you can get 3 more i/o lines. The two OSC pins and Mclr. The advantages are F628 is cheaper than the F84, and is same pin-out You can use those 3 lines + the one you have spare now to operate a serial ADC like the TLC549. Use one for its Vcc, one for CS, one for Clock and one for Data. The TLC549 is a cheap, fast and accurate 8 pin 8 bit ADC -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu