Hi Bob, I did exactly this for the 900MHz data link project of my wireless tutorial (which is progressing slowly but surely. The 900MHz data link project is completed, though) Check out: http://www.rocket-roar.com/BWCM/toc.html specifically the section labeled: Chapter 4 - Design Project 3: 900MHz Automatic Error-Correcting Data Link The source code is at: http://www.rocket-roar.com/BWCM/900MHz/900mhz.asm and the schematic and a photo of the completed unit: http://www.rocket-roar.com/BWCM/900MHz/hard.html Sean At 11:42 PM 2/22/02 -0800, you wrote: > > >I don't know of any PIC that has two hardware UARTs but you should be >able to implement this with a 16F628. > >You should be able to receive one input channel with the hardare UART >and do a bit-banged receive for the other. I'd suggest using RB0/INT >to do the start bit detection for the bit-banged input. > >Note: Be sure to keep interrupts disabled while you're bit-banging the >one input. Its stop bit time should be sufficient for you to check the >UART status bit and retreive the other channel's byte if it has >arrived at the same time. > > > > >Regards, Bob > > > >ps sorry if this the wrong place to ask or has been ask before I am new > to this list > >PS - You should use the topic tag "[PIC]:" in your subject. If you >don't, most people won't see your posts. > >-- >http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different >ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details. ---------------------------------------------------- Sign Up for NetZero Platinum Today Only $9.95 per month! http://my.netzero.net/s/signup?r=platinum&refcd=PT97 -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.