I am working on a robot when I have a little spare time (who isn't ;-D) My first attempt involved using motors from old 5.25" floppy drives. They are cheap and easy to work with, but have virtually no power. They are 4-phase motors, making it easy to drive them. I now need more power, and I found some cheap(US$7.00) surplus Vexta NMEA-17 2-phase motors. These motors are rated at 6V .8A. My old driver board uses TIP-120's driven thru a buffer IC with extra bypass diodes added. These had no trouble with the floppy motors even without heat sinks. Now for the questions: 1 Since these are 2-phase, do I absolutely have to flip polarity's on the winding coils to get the motors to run? These motors have 6 wires, so it seems that they are center tapped. Maybe I can just tie the center taps together, and drive the motors the way I did the 4-phase motors???? 2 Am I going to have to build a new driver board to accommodate the 2-phase motors. If so, should I just find some type of stepper control IC? 3 Do you all think that TIP-120's are stout enough to drive these motors? 5 watts doesn't seem like too much of a load on a tip-120, is that correct? I guess I would need to add some heat sinks, though. Michael Brown Instant Net Solutions www.KillerPCs.net "In the land of the blind, he who has one eye is king" -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.