Hi all, Just got into PICs and found this list. These PIC's are really neat = devices, though I bet you know that already. I've been involved in = digital electronics for quite some time so I do have a headstart. For = my planned projects, I'll be working primarily with the 16F84 and 16F872 = chips for now, and using Linux. Could use some help getting my evironment setup. I've got a few = PIC16F84A's, built a Tait Programmer and have been able to successfully = download and run a sample hex file using PP-0.6 under Linux. The next 2 thing I need to get moving are ... (1) An assembler that works under Linux. From the FAQ, I tried picasm, = but am getting quirky results, and the link for tpasm seems broken. Any = pointers to other tools would be appreciated. Don't need fancy for now = -- just something that works fairly well until I learn a little more. (2) Recommendations on a book and/or link to example projects with code = in assembler. Thanks in advance, -Neil. -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics