At 06:33 PM 2/20/02 -0500, Spehro Pefhany wrote: >Re: Olin's 2nd message on this (won't copy for some reason):- > >The Japanese E-C-B to American E-B-C pinout translation is messy, you have >to rotate it part of a turn and then curve the leads around, and there is >risk of the C and B shorting if it is not done carefully. > >One idea is to put a universal footprint on your PCBs: > > E B C <--- American (or European B C E, with TO-92 flipped) > > 0 0 0----x > | \ | > 0 0 0 | > | | > x-------x > E C B <--- Japanese Even easier: 4 holes in line. The outer holes are tied together as Emitter. Now you can do E-B-C or E-C-B just by picking which 3 holes to use. E B C E 0 0 0 0 | | +--------+ dwayne Dwayne Reid Trinity Electronics Systems Ltd Edmonton, AB, CANADA (780) 489-3199 voice (780) 487-6397 fax Celebrating 18 years of Engineering Innovation (1984 - 2002) .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .- `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' Do NOT send unsolicited commercial email to this email address. This message neither grants consent to receive unsolicited commercial email nor is intended to solicit commercial email. -- hint: To leave the PICList