> Actually Joe - there is some Uranium ore in N.Z. - It was found > in the Buller region (inland from Westport) - from what I > understand though not enough or concentrated enough to mine Wasn't just some tramper lost his luminous watch was it ? > its a nice area of native bush etc - until the bloody Aussie > possums get to it) It's all nice bush until something gets at it - possums, wasps, ferrets, stoats, rats, magpies, mynahs, pigs, deer, goats, rabbits,.people on BMX bikes who wear far too much spandex and look far too serious for someone "having fun". Still, if you've tried the saddle on one of those things on a bumpy track it's no surprise they grimace so much. Serves 'em right I've a couple of irons in the fire re pest eradication through science, trying to get the govt to come to the party, although they seem quite happy for now bombing the crap out of the flora / fauna / water table with 1080 poison. I think they've read too many reports about the inconsequences of "collateral damage" -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu