All, I signed up for one of their (Microchip) seminars that was held in Houston a few years ago. When I signed up, I also opted to purchase a PICStart+ Programmer and the ICD. Since I was attending the seminar, they gave a discount on the prices of the PSP and the ICD. The PSP was $149.00 with the discount and the ICD was 199.00 with the discount. But when I got to the seminar, I asked for the units I had reserved. I was told there wasn't any there for me as only purchased units were reserved abd brought to the seminar. I told them I did purchase/reserve a PSP and an ICD. Long story short, they checked with the field engineers office where I signed up and they were told I did purchase the units. Since it was their screw-up, the field engineer said he would send me one of each unit when he got back to his office a couple of days later. Sure enough, about 3 days after the seminar, a box arrived at my door with a PSP and and ICD unit with all the software, hardware, etc. It had been shipped to me FEDEX Next Day, and said there was NO CHARGE AT ALL. So, I got a refund of all monies I had paid, plus I got my units and they were sent via FEDEX NEXT DAY. All in all, quite a deal I think. So generally speaking, I will give ALL my microcontroller business to Microchip. The only time I'll stray from that promise is when my employer insists on using something else. And even then, I try to talk them into using a PIC. Anyway, just wanted to share my experience regarding the PSP and ICD, and to tell you you might want to look into their seminnar schedule. You can get a discount if you order at the same time you sign up for the seminar. Regards, Jim >> It's $200.00 at Digi-Key. > > Hmm, you're right. I guess you have to be a Microchip PIC consultant > to get the $100 price. Then again, they throw in a PicStart+ with some > other things, like the ICE-2000. I have 2 PicStart+ around here, and > am quite certain I never actually paid directly for either one. > > > ******************************************************************** > Olin Lathrop, embedded systems consultant in Littleton Massachusetts > (978) 742-9014,, > > -- > hint: To leave the PICList > -- hint: To leave the PICList