> good alternatives less than 5V I still think you should consider an LF PIC and 3V supply. One or more Lithiums in parallel. They aren't the biggest batteries in the world in mAh, and I realise the Rayovac page concerned button cells. You may have a monster of a cell > The circuit is a bait dispenser and will live in the bush, so > solar is not an option Thermal pile ? Small windmill (remote of course) ? Can't you position a solar cell somewhere up a tree and use the battery at night or back-up on dull days ? > low drop out regulator As the circuit is drawing only 290uA, it's well within the capabilities of the PIC pins to supply that much to other ICs and sensors. If you do decide to use the 3V option, that eliminates the need for a regulator. That way you can turn off the entire circuit apart from the PIC, and only power-up when you have to > the two diodes would waste less energy Whatever your PIC uses, the two diodes will consume 15% of that in heat (assuming a drop from ~6V to ~5V). It doesn't sound like much in absolute terms (15% of a few uA), but it's the same difference between 6 years and 5 years. Sounds worse when you look at it that way > I see that it has a 0.5uA sleep state Ideally it has, in practise you may only get reasonably close. On a bad day, nowhere near it by a factor of 1, however hard you try. Over-engineer. 5 years is a long time to wait for a flop -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu