Guys, I'm not good with analog electronics... ...Transistor parameters are Greek to me. I'm trying to source parts for Tony Nixon's pocket programmer so that people can order in one shot from digikey or mouser. What I have so far is at At this point, the total is looking at about $75 just for the parts. But there are a lot of cases of having to buy 10 when you need 1 because Digikey has a minimum order quantity. And their prices are high on some types of things. I'll eventually re-source those components through Mouser the same way and then split the form into two according to where the best price is. Once I get all the parts sourced, if I can do it so they match Tony's original boards, I'll just run a batch of the original PCB layout. If I can't match them or if there is a significant price savings to be had by doing a new layout, I'll do a new layout. The boards will probably run about $15 to $20 so I think we can get to a final price of less than $100 easily and maybe as little as $75. Hopefully, by April, the pocket will again be available as a kit. A friend of mine is interested in providing assembled and tested units, so that may also become an option. In any case, a small royalty payment will go to Tony, although he has not asked for one (and he has given me permission to make them here). But at this point, I'm really having a hard time with these transistors and I'd really appreciate some help. The BC numbers are European I guess, and I'm told the specs are not unusual, but I need to know what Digikey or mouser (or other) part number is a good replacement. All the cases are the little TO-92's. BC548 NPN Vce30 Vcb30 Ic 100mA Hfe 110-800 @2mA 500mW BC639 NPN 80 100 1A 40-250 @150mA 1W BC640 PNP as per BC639 Thanks in advance! --- James Newton, webmaster (former Admin #3) 1-619-652-0593 VM 1-208-279-8767 FAX PIC/PICList FAQ: or .org -- hint: To leave the PICList