Hi Everyone If you've been looking at this trying to sort it out I've uploaded a version with actual resistor values and such as well as showing a image of the signal that is at the base of the transistor Q23. I haven't played with the resistor vales on the emitter side of Q23 yet (R21, R23, R24) so you can ignore these components for now. A few of you have mentioned the problems coming there so I'm not ignoring it ;-] From what everyone has said It looks like this will be a no go on 3.3v unfortunately. I'm going to redo the entire board to 5vdc later on unless someone mentions the "miracle" transistor part number that will make this work. I would still like to have a 3 or 3.3v version but it looks like i'd have to pretty much scrap the way I'm doing the board and the external leds. If anyone would like to make any suggestions I've upped the images again to http://members.shaw.ca/gnat/led.htm I think I can see the light here and I really appreciate all the help from everyone! THANKS! Cheers Dave -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu