Dave, Looks much better. Still a few problems however. With 3.3V drive from the PIC, the emitter of Q2 can only reach 2.7V, the emitter of Q23 about 2.1V. The 220ohm resisor will limit the maximum total LED current to (3.3 - 1.5) /220 = 8mA max or about 3mA per LED. But you may get also current limiting due to the 47k base resistor on Q23 Your best bet with this circuit is short out the 220ohm resistor and the 47k resistor. LED current will be about (2.1-1.5)/47 = 13mA per LED or 40mA total. For more current, reduce the 47ohm resistors. (Down to maybe 1.5 ohm for 380mA or 1.2 ohm for 500mA - it will depend on LED froward voltage drop - I have allowed 1.5V for this ). If you are really likely to run down to 2.3V for Vcc, then for constant LED brilliance, some sort of constant current supply for the LEDs would be in order. Not a real easy task at such a low voltage. (Or if you have a spare PIC pin you could squarewave, then you could use a boost circuit to produce a higher voltage & make life a lot easier - or maybe just introduce a complication somewhere else!) Richard P Dave King cc: Sent by: pic Subject: Re: [EE] Drivin Suzie Q (transistor troubles) microcontrolle r discussion list 20/02/02 11:02 Please respond to pic microcontrolle r discussion list Hi Richard (and anyone else that looked at my mess) What I had put up was a non working schematic, I've tried so many many variations that I just put up the section that I though needed to be sorted out. I was hoping it might allow someone the idea of what I was trying to do. Ie using the available current from an output pin on a pic to drive a 2n2222 that in turn switches a larger "power" transistor which hopefully switches off and on with my desired pattern.. I think I'll correct it to the point where it might make sense and get rid of the schematic portion I have on there. That might eliminate a lot of the confusion. If you can look at it again (give me an hour to correct and upload) it should make more sense. Thanks! Dave -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body