>Alternatively put a gif up on a web site somewhere or send it to me direct >& I'll have a quick look. I've put the information up on the backend of my website at http://members.shaw.ca/gnat/led.htm That has the schematic for the problem section and a image of the scope signals. >If you are using MOSFETS you will need more than 3.3V on the gate to turn >them on properly. If you have only this voltage to play with you will need >to change to a bipolar power transistor or arrange a higher voltage gate >drive supply using a charge pump/aux supply or whatever. It would only need >a mA or so depending on switching rate. > >Richard Ok I'll dig out my books and get on the net and start looking for a bipolar. It does need to be able to handle about 1.7A at a 20% duty cycle. I'm almost stuck on having to deal with 3.3 as my main supply voltage as going up to 5 will do a number on the cost of things.It could be done but I'd rather shy away from doing that unless I have to. I really appreciate any and all help on this. I haven't had to play with transistors for quite a few years so I'm out of touch with what works in the 3.3v regime and what won't. Cheers Dave -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.