Spehro Pefhany wrote... >Very nice, Dave! A couple of IRLZ544's maybe. They would have >a total drop of about 1.1V at 20A, so about as good as a triac. >At 10A, they'd beat it by a mile. I've got some old NSC NDP706's in my junk drawer. TO-220, rated at 75A, Rds(on) something like 0.05 ohms. They'd be great... >You should be able to get half-wave power using a diode from the >top transformer wire to a PIC-GND referenced supply. Dang, why didn't I think of that... OK, here's Rev. 2.0, with a half-wave rectifier & filter for supplying power to a 7805 regulator: 0-----------+--------------0 |=20 FROM 12V | TO LAMP XFORMER | STRING | 0------+ | +-------0 | | | | | | D1 | +----------->|-----+-----0 +17V to | | 1N4003 | 7805 Reg. D D |=20 Q1 G---+---G Q2 |+ Nch S | S Nch C1 470 uF | | | |- 35 WV GATE DRV 0------------+ | | | | | | | | PIC GND 0------+-----------+-----------+ Cheers, Dave -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.