Dale Botkin wrote... >My question relates to how to switch the 12VAC to the lights on and off. >I'm thinking a sensitive-gate (logic) TRIAC... TRIACs. Ugh. Voltage drop. Lost power. Unclean. >Ebmarrassingly, I have never used a TRIAC before... Be thankful, not embarrassed. >Is there a better way to do this? Yup. No one ever said you can't use MOSFETs on AC; you just have to be a little clever, is all. Usually, that means you end up having to use two of them in series-- one for each half-cycle-- because of the intrinsic body diode that shunts the drain and source. The circuit below uses no voltage-dropping, power-wasting TRIAC, no likewise bridge rectifier, no relay^H^H^H^H^H "electromechanical logic", and allows you to control your lamps either ON/OFF with a logic level from a PIC (might want to boost that up to a little higher than 5V, unless you use logic level FETs), or control lamp brightness with the PIC's PWM. 0--------------------------0 FROM 12V TO LAMP XFORMER STRING 0------+ +-------0 | | | | | | | | D D Q1 G---+---G Q2 Nch S | S Nch | | | GATE DRV 0------------+ | | | | | PIC GND 0------+-----------+ Voila... Dave -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.