Hi There! I don't use the C-Spy environment at all. It runs way too slow compared to MPLAB. >The C-spy simulator comes up with a fatal error when trying to connect >to the emulator. I think it's a printer port issue. I read somewhere >that the newer chips (I am using 18c858) wont work correctly with mplab >5.5 If you want to use those newer chips in C-Spy. You need to copy the processor specific .dll files from the MPLAB directory into the IAR environment directory. There is a note describing this on IAR's homepage, I think. >I use the same setup except that I use win2000. I won't say that it runs >perfect, but it works. > >What problems do you have? Do you write and debug in mplab or do you use >the embedded workbench and C spy? >What version Mplab do you use? I do write and debug the code in MPLAB because C-Spy is too slow. The information transfer between the C-Spy and ICE2000 is way slower than via MPLAB. I use MPLAB v5.5 There is a diagnostic program that comes with MPLAB where you can verify the communication with ICE2000. Have you run that and checked that you have contact with the ICE2000? It might be an issue with XP and the parallel port driver that comes with IAR. The files are called portio.dll and portiont.dll. There are newer viersions of these drivers in the MPLAB directory. Regards Geir Tore -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.