I've been trying to get a power transistor to behave for the last week or so. I've been trying to drive 3x 3v 350 ma led (yes each one is 350ma) with a specific pattern. The pic generated signal is of course flawless but when I've tried to get the power transistor to function I get either spurious signals or it just sits there. I've been trying to use a 2N2222 to drive various power mosfets that have been suggested. Nothing seems to get this close to what I need. The biggest problem is that this needs to be done with 3.3V which seems to be proving the big problem. The 3.3 was chosen to eliminate a few parts and keep the heat down, ie some of the parts eliminated were power resistors. I've tried drivers, converters and tried tweaking the 2222 to the nth degree without satisfaction. I've even rtfm'd just to make sure I wasn't pulling a total boner. I'm sure this is doable it would be close to a 20% duty cycle motor controller (yes tried that way too). Could anyone help me sort this out? Tnx Dave -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.