>As you can see, there's now a definite sloping off of the >event, and it lasts for just 45ms. The decrease in amplitude >is not what you'd call stupendous but it's heading in the >right direction. I'll play around with it some more. > That's because C1 was sized for a 1-second decay time. > Sounds like you're just not a "dong" type guy, Jinx, more like > one of those "tink" fellows. Now that's an awkward one to answer - like "Are you a wise virgin ?". Well, yes. And no > If all you want is a 45 millisecond tink instead of a nice, long > dong, reduce C1 from 10uF down to about 1uF or even > less. With C1 = 0.47uF, you should see the waveform decay > almost completely in 45 ms It's a "tinkering" kinda Friday, I'll sort something out. As it is though the routine will be useful for feedback beeps that run under interrupt, so thanks for prompting some work towards another library routine > > As the code and circuit is there, perhaps someone else > > might like to grab Dave's dong and have a go, compare > > notes > ouch Ouch ? Rash ? Enjoy it while you can. As I said to someone off-list the other day "Fame is fleeting, obscurity is forever" > At one time or another over the last quarter-century I've > used the 4040, 8085, 8086, 6800, 68HC11, 6502, 68000, > and the CP1600. None of them had it I have experience with a few types too - 68705, 1802, 6510, 2313, 2051 and 8031. Isn't it just great when you've got 16k of space in front of you and you can do pretty much what the heck you want to in terms of long jumps, reading program memory from any address, play with the stack etc etc and not have to worry about page wrap-arounds or looking for registers ? Seriously, I'm wondering how PICs ended up this way, so very different from any other micro. Anyone know ? -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body