>Common beginner mistake, you're seeing the difference in grounds between >teh scope and your board. What you need to do is ground the scope probe >to your project ground. There are usually ground clips that attach to the >probe and can clamp onto a ground on the board you're testing. Need to be >CAREFUL especially if your project is not battery powered, though. 8) >Now I'm sure half a dozen people with more knowledge of how scope grounds >are isolated will jump in with more detail... I just have a clip that goes from the scope, to the bench power supply= ground ;o) Works every time. Never had any problems with this setup, since= everything is powered thru the PSUs on the bench, and ALL the grounds of= ALL the supplies are grounded togheter in a "star" way. ---8<---Corte aqui---8<---- Alexandre Souza taito@terra.com.br http://planeta.terra.com.br/lazer/pinball/ ---8<---Corte aqui---8<---- -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.