Hi fellow PICers, First of all, I would like to thank a lot of you for taking the time to read the personal info on my website, and for making a lot of interesting comments. I should have joined the list years ago, and I would have found out what FNU stands for right then. *LOL* Now, back to the interesting PIC stuff. I am trying to interface a TC1322 12-bit DAC with a 16F877. I am using the I2C interface between them. Have anyone tried this before? Well, it is not working for me right now. But I guess what I am asking is if there is something important to look out for (such as: SDA and SCL must be configured as inputs, and putting a pull-up resistors on both SCL and SDA pins - it took me a while to realize that). There is definitely some signal out of both SCL and SDA line of 16F877, but the TC1322 does not seem to be receiving it. I tried it with 2 different TC1322, so I don't think the DACs are 'fried'. Thank you very much in advance. This list is the best! ------------------ Rudy Rudy http://www.rudyrudy.com rudy@rudyrudy.com ------------------ -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.