> Well, well my dear friends, > It seems you don't like the high age of your mother queen... > [ smile please ! ] She's probably one of the more down-to-earth in The Firm. Did you know her daughter has bailed her out to the tune of $4m ? Has a gambling habit for one thing. I think most people see her as a nice old duck though, very popular in WW2 > But I must admit ( I'm not an english man as you may read from > my ugly writting style ) I could name Englishmen who write uglier than you do ;-) But they believe they don't write ugly. At least you 'fess up "The Weasel Under The Cocktail Cabinet" (Harold Pinter). What a title !! > that australians have nice SF movies ( Lost in the space ? ) And The Matrix, Mad Max. I'm tempted to suggest that Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert is sci-fi too. But it's a little weird even for sci-fi -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.