>Do you have a higher supply voltage available? Most FETs - even logic >level FETs - will not fully enhance below 4V. I actually compromised and went with 3.3V on the board. I thought that was a good thing as the per board cost dropped from about $47 to about $7. I didn't think I was going to give myself a stroke getting these #$% transistors to behave. >You can use a Darlington bipolar transistor: one NPN part I use is >TIP121. Feed the base with a 220R resistor (Ib ~ 10 mA if Vdd=3.3V). The >collector will handle 2 Amps easily - but with a fairly nasty saturation >voltage of about 1V. I'll see if that would work with this. I'm sure there is some part that will but I've not stumbled across it yet. >If you DO have a higher supply available, use it to turn on a MOSFET. For >example, where is your 3.3V derived from? Can you use that? I have a smart smps as I don't know exactly what my power is going to be out in the field. So all I can count on is the 3.3. I've been debating if I need to scrap the 3.3 and go back to 5vdc but then I need to start adding back in parts. TNX Dave -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics