At 03:31 PM 2/12/02 -0800, Dave King wrote: >Hi > >Just wondering if anyone has any information or know of any on-line for >interfacing a >power transistor. I'm trying to drive about a non-inductive 2 amp load. >This circuit for >lack of a better description would be the blinking led on steroids. The >signal is 2 pulses >(1/10th duration) at 1hz. Board voltage is 3.3vdc. Do you have a higher supply voltage available? Most FETs - even logic level FETs - will not fully enhance below 4V. You can use a Darlington bipolar transistor: one NPN part I use is TIP121. Feed the base with a 220R resistor (Ib ~ 10 mA if Vdd=3.3V). The collector will handle 2 Amps easily - but with a fairly nasty saturation voltage of about 1V. If you DO have a higher supply available, use it to turn on a MOSFET. For example, where is your 3.3V derived from? Can you use that? dwayne Dwayne Reid Trinity Electronics Systems Ltd Edmonton, AB, CANADA (780) 489-3199 voice (780) 487-6397 fax Celebrating 18 years of Engineering Innovation (1984 - 2002) .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .- `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' Do NOT send unsolicited commercial email to this email address. This message neither grants consent to receive unsolicited commercial email nor is intended to solicit commercial email. -- hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See