This fellow makes a business of providing copies of manuals. He is not cheap, but I have found the quality and service to be good. He lists your manual at $58. The calipers show my copy to be 0.9 inches thick. Having said that, please verify that the horizontal controls are really set up to sweep. There are many settings that will not show a trace without some specific input conditions. John Ferrell 6241 Phillippi Rd Julian NC 27283 Phone: (336)685-9606 Dixie Competition Products NSRCA 479 AMA 4190 W8CCW "My Competition is Not My Enemy" ----- Original Message ----- From: "Vit" To: Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2002 1:10 AM Subject: [OT]: Tektronics 475A Repair Manual/Tips (no horizontal deflection) Hello everyone, Until last night, my experience with the used Tektronics 475A oscilloscope I recently bought on eBay had been only positive. But yesterday, when I powered it on, the whole screen lighted up, then started blinking at a rate of about 1Hz. I've never seen it do anything like that before, so I tried adjusting the knobs. For about five seconds, there was a diagonal line going across the screen, then it went blank. I turned off the instrument, let it sit for a few minutes, then powered it back on. A dot appeared in the center of the screen, and it stayed that way since. When a signal is applied, you can see a vertical line whose lenghth is proportional to the amplitude of the signal. Tektronics discontinued this model in 1985, and I couldn't find any information about the scope on their website, except that it had now been replaced by the TDS380. Searching the web produced no results either. I know that Dale and a few other people owned (or still own) the 475A model. Can you guys give me some pointers on where to start? I don't feel comfortable getting inside the scope without some kind of plan.. Sincerely, Vitaliy P.S. There is a *possibility* that the scope suffered some thermal damage, because I accidentally covered up the ventilator hole in the back of the oscilloscope.. -- hint: To leave the PICList -- hint: To leave the PICList